Professional Outdoor Signs for Automotive Dealerships
We offer a vast array of sign sizes and mounting options. You can mount your sign anywhere on your building, or on a pole, if you’d like. The full color graphics and vibrant animations create an eye-catching advertisement that pulls in new customers before they have a chance to walk on by.
Outdoor Electronic Message Centers
Digital signage proves time and again to be one of the most effective methods for communication directly to mobile customers. LED signs are affordable and easy to use, making them perfect for used car lots, dealerships, and satellite sales locations. We have the full range of signage, from monochrome displays to full motion video monitors!
Window and Interior Signage
We also have a line of indoor signage that may work for your business. We offer illuminated and programmable LED signs, which fit easily anywhere at your business – whether it’s on the wall, in a window, or above an aisle. This style of signage directs shoppers to sales. Highly visible message centers are used by dealers to remind potential customers cars make great gifts for special events like anniversaries and graduations. Window signage also works well to advertise to outdoor customers.
You have an almost unlimited number of options available from The Sign Genies. You just need to make sure you use the right sign and place it in the ideal location.
Don’t let customers pass by without learning anything about your business!
When they’re ready to lease or purchase a vehicle, your name will come to mind first because they remember your sign.
When you’re ready to start proclaiming your name to the public, remember The Sign Genies are here to help you get noticed!